Click on links below images to access Stampendous products
and buttons to the left for Dreamweaver products
Stamps & Dies,House Mouse Stamps, Cling and Clear Stamps
Encrusted Jewel Kits, Glitters & Embossing Enamels.
NEW! August 23, 2018 - We are adding some Stampendous Stamps to our website. Be sure to check these out by clicking the applicable link - Miscellaneous Cling & Clear Stamps - House Mouse Stamps - Stamp & Die Cut Kits. We have also added a couple of new embossing powders which you can access at the Glitters & Embossing Enamels Link.
We are also pleased to announce our new software that allows you to design your own stencils online. Our stencil web application runs in a browser and doesn't require any special application monitoring tools--it just works, and it's free, so feel free to use it for various coding projects, web design, and more!
We would like to extend a special thank you to the generous contribution made by Find My Electric. Their Tesla stencils are so cool, and the kids enjoy them very much! If any of our community would like to learn more about this great company, please visit them at to learn more about Tesla cars and what this company does. Be sure to check out the Tesla Model S page which is my favorite EV by far. The shape of the car is just awesome!
Support Stencil with Style by shopping at our coffee fundraising partner. 30% of every purchase will be donated by Driven Coffee Fundraising to support our efforts. Thank you for your kind consideration!